How to request a refund for Bandizip that you bought from the App Store
Payment systems of Apple’s App Store
Bandisoft, the developer of Bandizip for macOS, handles and takes responsibility for improvement and maintenance on Bandizip.
All procedures related to the purchase and payment of Bandizip, however, are handled exclusively by Apple who operates the App Store, and Bandisoft is not allowed to be concerned in any of the procedures.
Bandisoft cannot even know who bought Bandizip from the App Store or when, and therefore Bandisoft has no system available to help with a refund request. We ask for your understanding on this.How to request a refund
If you bought Bandizip from the App Store but you want to request a refund, please follow the instructions in the link below.
Bandisoft cannot even know that there is a refund request and cannot be concerned in any procedures determining whether the request is to be approved or not.